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THE LOST LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM AN ENQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN LETTERS, WORDS, NAMES, FAIRY-TALES, FOLK-LORE AND MYTHOLOGIES Harold Bayley 1912 "The Hebrew for man is ish and for woman isha." Page 300 "Each language, whether Sanscrit or Zulu, is like a palimpsest, which, if carefully handled, will disclose the original text beneath the superficial writing, and though that original text may be more difficult to recover in illiterate languages, yet it is there nevertheless. Every language, if properly summoned, will reveal to us the mind of the artist who framed it, from its earliest awakening to its latest dreams. Everyone will teach us the same lesson, the lesson on which the whole Science of Thought is based, that there is no language without reason, as there is no reason with.out language."1 An analysis of the several terms for man, soul, or spirit reveals the time-honoured belief that the human race emerged in its infancy from the Great Light, and that every human soul was a spark or fragment of the EverExistent Oversoul. The Egyptian for man was se, the German for soul is seele - cognate with Selah! - and meaning likewise the "Light of the Everlasting." The Dutch for soul is ziel, the fiery light of God, and the English soul was once presumably is ol, the essence or light of God.2 The Hebrew for man is ish and for woman isha.
THE HOLY BIBLE Scofield References Hosea Chapter 2 Page 922/923 16 And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.
WISDOM OF THE EAST by Hari Prasad Shastri 1948 Page 8 "There is no such word in Sanscrita as 'Creation' applied to the universe. The Sanscrita word for Creation is Shristi, which means 'projection' Creation means to bring something into being out /Page 9/ of nothing, to create, as a novelist creates a character. There was no Miranda, for example, until Shakespeare created her. Similarly the ancient Indians (this term is innacurately used as there was no India at that time). who were our ancestors long, long ago. used a word for creation that means 'projection'
Scofield References Page 1117 A.D. 30.Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, He cannot see the kingdom of God. St John Chapter 3 verse 3 3 + 3 3 x 3 6 x 9 54 5 + 4 9
IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS Fragments of an Unknown TeachingP.D.Oupensky 1878-1947 Page 217 'A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must first awake.'
HOLY BIBLE Scofield References John Chapter 3 Verse3 Page 1117 ""Jesus answered and said unto him, verily,verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God""
1ESUS 1NSWERED 1ND 1AID 3NTO 8IM, 4ERILY 4ERILY 9 1AY 3NTO 2HEE, 5XCEPT 1 4AN 2E 2ORN 1GAIN, 8E 3ANNOT 1EE 2HE 2INGDOM 6F 7OD 11111111 22222 333 444 5 6 7 88 9
HOLY BIBLE Scofield References John Chapter 3 Verse 5 Page 1117 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
THE INDEPENDENT MAGAZINE Wednesday 11 September 2013 Mysteries of the snowflake: The curious world of the ice-crystal experts. Inevitably, though, the most common question is, how can Libbrecht be so sure no two snowflakes are ever identical? He likes to tell people that physics has a Zen-like answer, “which is that it depends largely on what you mean by the question. The short answer is that if you consider there’s over a trillion ways you could arrange 15 different books on your bookshelf, then the number of ways of making a complex snowflake is so staggeringly large that, over the history of our planet, I’m confident no two identical flakes have ever fallen. The long answer is more involved – depending on what you mean by ‘alike’ and ‘snowflake’. There could be some extremely small, simple-shaped crystals that looked so alike under a microscope as to be indistinguishable – and if you sifted through enough Arctic snow, where these simple crystals are common, you could probably find a few twins.” "The short answer is that if you consider there’s over a trillion ways you could arrange 15 different books on your bookshelf,"
Daily Mail Thursday, November 5, 2015 Page 58 Vision of hell: Leslie Illingworth's 1945 cartoon, entitled 'Night passes ... and the Evil Things depart NIGHT PASSES AND THE EVIL THINGS DEPART
Page 35 GAUTAMA SHAKYAMUNI SIDDARTHA 153 153 SIDDARTHA SHAKYAMUNI GAUTAMA "So he issued from the womb as befits a Buddha." "When born, he was so lustrous and stead-fast that it appeared as if the young son had come down to earth and yet, when people gazed at his dazling brilliance, he held their eyes like the moon. His limbs shone with the radiant hue of precious gold, and lit up the space all around. Instantly he walked seven steps, firmly and with long strides. In that he was like the constellation of the seven seers. With the bearing of a lion he surveyed the four quarters, and spoke these words full of meaning for the future: 'For enlightenment I was born, for the good of all that lives. This is the last time that I have been born into this world of becoming." MAITREYA, THE FUTURE BUDDHA Page 237 "As the years pass, the impulse of the teachings of the Buddha Shakymuni gradually exhausts itself, and attention shifts to Maitreya, the coming Buddha who will appear in the future, after about 30,000 years or so. At present Maitreya is belived to reside in Tushita heaven, awaiting his last rebirth when the time is ripe."
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 "The great alchemists, whose ultimate aspiration was to procure the birth of a divinity among men found it necessary first to invoke within themselves the spirit they wished to share with others. In the same tradition Plato wrote that the man who aquires the art of stereometry, the likening of unlike things which is function of the canon, sanctifies not only himself but also the city and the age in which he lives. The thought behind these various expressions was that the state of a society is determined by the individuals who comprise it; that the cosmic influences are manifest on earth through the medium of the human mind, and this is the instrument by which they may be controlled and held in balance. For the instument to be Effective, it requires that the individual become aware of the current influences to which he is subject, and to this end the canon was devised; for by analogy with the dynamics of geometrical and numerological relationships, the world of phenomena is revealed as the product of archetyple forces, whose behaviour in any circumstances is predicatable once the nature is understoood."
THE OUTSIDER Colin Wilson 1956 Page 58 A refreshing laughter rose in me. . . . It soared aloft like a soap bubble . . . and then softly burst. . . . The golden trail was blazed and I was reminded of the eternal, and of Mozart, and the stars. For an hour I could breathe once more. . . .9" 9 Chapter 3 Hesse Hermann Steppenwolf pp/55 57
THE LOST WORLDS OF 2001 Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page179 "A long time ago," said Kaminski, "I came across a remark that I've never forgotten-though I can't remember who made it. 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. That's what we're up against here. Our lasers and mesotrons and nuclear reactors and neutrino telescopes would have seemed pure magic to the best scientists of the nineteenth century. But they could have understood how they worked-more or less- if we were around to explain the theory to them." Page 189 "The other is Clarke's Third* Law
GODS OF THE DAWN Peter Lemesurier 1997 As Arthur C. Clarke's perceptive Third Law puts it:
THE SECRET HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT Herbie Brennan 2000 "The British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke is said to have commented that
JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS THOMAS MANN 1875 - 1955 MINERVA 1997 "But we are speaking of two different things. My Majesty speaks of the fetters which the teaching puts upon the thoughts of God; yours refers to priestly statecraft, which divides teaching and knowledge. But Pharaoh would not be arro-gant, and there is no greater arrogance than such a division. No, there is no arrogance in the world greater than that of dividing the chil-dren of our Father into initiate and uninitiate and teaching double words: all-knowingly for the masses, knowingly in the inner circle. No, we must speak what we know, and witness what we have seen. Pharaoh wants to do nothing but improve the teaching, even though it be made hard for him by the teaching."
JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS Thomas Mann 1875 - 1955 MINERVA 1997 Page 890 8 x 9 ISISIS 72. "In all there were two-and-seventy conspirators privy to the plot. It was a proper and a pregnant number, for there had been just sev-enty-two when red Set lured Usir into the chest. And these seventy-two in their turn had had good cosmic ground to be no more and no less than that number. For it is just that number of groups of five weeks which make up the three hundred and sixty days of the year, not counting the odd days; and there are just seventy-two days in the dry:fifth of the year, when the gauge shows that the Nourisher has :reached his lowest ebb, and the god sinks into his grave. So where there is conspiracy anywhere in the world it is requisite and custom-ary for the number of conspirators to be seventy-two. And if the plot fail, the failure shows that if this number had not been adhered to it would have failed even worse."
FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS G Hancock 1995 Page 287 "What one would look for, therefore, would be a universal language, the kind of language that would be comprehensible to any technologically advanced society in any epoch, even a thousand or ten thousand years into the future. Such languages are few and far between, but mathematics is one of them - and the city of Teotihuacan may be the calling-card of a lost civilization written in the eternal language of mathematics." "Of all the other stupendous inventions,' Galileo once remarked, what sublimity of mind must have been his who conceived how to communicate his most secret thoughts to any other person, though very distant either in time or place, speaking with those who are in the Indies, speaking to those who are not yet born, nor shall be this thousand or ten thousand years? And with no greater difficulty than the various arrangements of two dozen little signs on paper? Let this be the seal of all the admirable inventions of men.3"
"And with no greater difficulty than the various arrangements of two dozen little signs on paper?" "What one would look for, therefore, would be a universal language"
THE OUTSIDER Colin Wilson 1956 Page 63 / 64 " In Steppenwolf he has gone a long way towards finally resolving them. In the final dream scene, Haller glimpses the / words: -. the formula from the Upanishads that denotes that in the heart of his own being man discovers the godhead. Intuitively, Harry knows this. The path that leads from the Outsider's miseries to this still-centre is a path of discipline, asceticism and complete detachment.. He shows himself aware of it in the 'Treatise on the Steppenwolf', but he admits that it is too hard a saying for him. By the end of the novel it would seem that he has found some of the necessary courage to face it."
Siegfried Mandel "Appendix 5. Symbols Atomic Numbers, and Atomic Weights of Elements (1947) Dysprosium . Symbol Dy . Atomic Number 66 . Atomic Weight of Elements 162.46 Einsteinium . Symbol Es . Atomic Weight 99 . Atomic Weight of Elements 253" Alphabetical sequence as presented in book
INNER LIGHT PUBLICATIONS COMPILED BY TUELLA The Holy 999 Page 32 Part 6 1. I AM THE FATHER OF ALL CREATION. I AM THE BEGINNING AND THE END, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF ALL THAT IS AND EVER SHALL BE. I CONTINUE NOW IN OUR CONVERSATIONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF MY CHIL-DREN EVERYWHERE. 2. The studies and deductions along with the discussions of My Sons Jesus and Michael with you have been most interesting to Me. These various questions in your mind truly represent the motivation present in this work we do. This portion of the named Holy Book is so riddled with these errors under discussion, there barely remains enough time to unravel them. 3. You have finally located in your search the only passage or use of the number 666 in the entire written record. In vain did you search for another, for no other corresponding witness exists any- where. For it is here at this point in the record (Rev. 13:18) that the perversion of this number made entry, calculated and deliberate in its destructive intent. In the (four) references to this subject that follow, the number becomes a mark that is not My Seal. The few references that follow go on to expand the prized lie that it is the "mark of the beast" and even that it appears in the forehead as well as the hand. Once an awareness is born of these interferences and the motive, the entire proposal is clearly exposed. 4. The number 999 is identified as truly of My Kingdom. It rep-resents a Divine number of the Creation of Life itself in this and other Universes. This is a widely known fact in other worlds. It is a code number within the consciousness of many who have come toPage 32 / this planet to serve the father, and who are actual extensions of myself. To disguise this number as a mark of the fallen ones has dia-bolically and thoroughly confused the souls of this planet, but it was easily accomplished by another source simply by inverting the number upside down." Page 33 "7. I ask My Light Workers to realize that neither the dark ones nor the Fallen ones need an identifying mark, because they cannot hide themselves nor their ways from the discerning Child of Light. It is indeed by their works that ye know them. 8. Three identifying insignias are engraved within My Children: in the heart, the flame of Love; in the membrane of the hand, the number of Creation; in the head, the shining morning star. It has been written that without the mark of the beast, neither shall any man buy nor sell. This is consistent with that which has been given, for the nines of My Kingdom will not be involved in the buy and sell for their needs, for money will cease to exist. One's wants and needs shall be provided by My Hand as is proper, so that buying and sell-ing will fade away in the new scheme of things. The plan of the Fallen ones to thus make a degenerated mark upon My Children was an ingenious one. For now in the closing days as I prepare to lift the veil, there is the sad possibility of misjudgment of the Light. 9. Therefore I call upon My Enlightened Teachers to bring forth this exposure in time for end time events. Some uninformed Lighted Ones will even classify the exposure itself as being of the Fallen ones but My Sons Michael and the Beloved One are with you to guide you through the jungle of human opinion. There will be no more mar-tyrs. The plan has been set aside. No more blood shall be shed for Truth. Man has Truth on his own hands from this time forward; it will not dissolve by removing its source. 10. When this My revelation concerning the number 999 goes forth, it will be the Bible worshippers who will bring the fiercest opposition and not the Light Workers or My volunteers of these times. The crystallization of this concept is so embedded within souls that there will be no hope of delivering them from it as long as they cling to the old thought forms. The sense of Satan is an indoctrina-tion that spans too many centuries of time. It is even more solidified than the concept of the substitutionary scapegoat atonement of My Son. In too many movements only an entirely new incarnation will accomplish the removal of these perversions of My Divine Plan. 11. I state once again, though I repeat my words, this sacred number is used throughout My Kingdom to identify My Creation. It does NOT designate those who are not of the Light. Only those who carry this insignia are able to enter into the higher realms. They are / Page 34 / capable because they have earned this mark. No mark exists for those who have not earned the right to enter. I AM determined to shed Light upon this error in biblical presentation concerning the number 666. This heavenly number is placed within the membrane in order that it be preserved for the entire incarnation. Without it, those who would desire to evolve into the higher realms would not be enabled to do so. This distortion was created within the inner realms because the dark forces would like those identified with the mark of God, to be removed by the lessor forces of their making. Thus they would like it to be believed that the mark represents the beast when in fact the beast is already known to be that of the dark forces themselves. The beast needs no further identification, for his presence is obvious in all that is not of the Light. I AM the Father of My Creation. I will not ever allow My Children to be branded in any physical way. This is not within the consciousness of mankind and it shall not come to pass. It will be known that this holy number (666- 999) is of My Making, in identifying My Children, throughout My Kingdom. 12. This is the number of those who will be entering into the ninth dimension after their mission is over. It is a most unusual num- ber in the sense that it cannot be reversed in any way. It is that which it is. The fact that it is presented upside down is another way of iden-tifying the touch of the dark forces upon it. The number 666-999 is only for those who are of the highest evolved state, who if taken out of their mission would not be able to support the transformation process and thereby would leave without completing the mission. The dark forces would have no problems ruling over this planet if they could remove those who bear this number as prescribed in the biblical record. The reversal, of the number has no significance what- soever in the higher realms. The number always equates to nine how- ever it is facing. This will be the code that will be exposed, for the number nine is the highest level of completion before entering into the dimension of total spirit, at which point numbers become another part of the being itself. Numbers are then no longer neces-sary for understanding the Universe when passed beyond all dimen- sions. The reason that thorough understanding of this distortion is so vital is that in the final days there will be many who are capable of seeing this marking in those who walk in great Light. Without / Page 35 / knowledge, the marking will therefore create the potential for those capable of seeing it, to dismiss that Light Worker as being of the dark ones. Therefore the dark forces pit the LIGHT AGAINST THE LIGHT and bring forth in depth confusion. Remember, the dark ones do not have a numerical reference so it is not necessary to eval- uate any number within their being. 13. But My concern for My Loving Children goes beyond num-ber. It also carries with it the Codings to bring forth the true identity of the Light Worker. As long as there remains distortion in under- standing this, there will be a distortion in the awakening of that one seeking the Light. This is why the Dark Forces were prone to make this a part of the puzzle of prophecy which would further complicate the understanding of those in the Light, as well as those who would be grounded in the distortion, and not in the understanding of the higher truths. 14. I welcome My Children to seek My Face and listen for My Voice to bring forth from within their own being a clearer under- standing of all of these things. The Father hath spoken with you. Anti Christ? Father's Reply Part 7 1. I AM the Father Mother Creator, of All that is, to continue our conversations to be shared with My Children. 2. As we penetrate deeply into the errors that have been placed with humanity, I desire at this time to discuss the Being termed in your scriptures as Lucifer. Because of Jehovah's intent to distort all Truth, it naturally follows that he would carefully plot to defame the Highest of My Shining Angels. With the attention of the religious world upon his perverted words, he took One of the Great Ones, The Eternal Being of Light, and named him Lucifer and made him to be a being of darkness and a vessel of evil. 3. Lucifer is the Angel of Light, the Morning Star, and is not, nor will he ever be anything else. Lucifer has embodied upon Earth many times to support My Plan and to offset the forces brought forth by Jehovah. Why then would Jehovah not choose to show My Son Lucifer as one of the Fallen ones when in fact he is not. 4. The number 666 (999) is that of Lucifer certainly, but it is Lucifer who comes to save the planet from the destructive forces of / Page 36 / Jehovah. The Dark Ones took the highest of the number of the Uni-verse, the Holy 999, and reversed its posture and gave the number into this demented character of defied evil and called him Devil. This sacred number, which is embedded within every Lighted Being, Jeho- vah perverted to mean the number of this Imaginary Devil. We of the Universal Creative Forces do not need to number the Fallen ones to identify them, for they are exposed for all to see and are known to all men. We DO number our Angels and Beings of Enlightenment with the Sacred number of Light, 999 which remains 9 regardless of how the number is maniPulated or broken {6+6+6=18=9; 9+9+9=28=9} 999 is the number of My Saints, the number of My Kingdom, and the Glorious New Earth. THERE IS NO BEAST, THERE IS NO DEVIL, THERE IS NO ANTI-CHRIST FOR CHRIST FORCE DOES NOT NEED AN OPPOSITE. 5. Lucifer, so called, a beloved son, has come to Earth by many names, but the names are not important here. What is important is that he bears MY Standard of Light and Truth, to advance Harmony and Balance within humanity. 6. It is My Will at this time, that the secret of this "mark" or number be released. It has been kept from My Children when they have accepted words that have no truth. Each energy force projected from the Source represents a mathematical relationship to Me, sum-marized in a number. This mark of which we speak is one such. energy which has been projected. It will be obvious and clear to those who know this mark who it is that is carrying it within his genetic makeup, and clear to all of those who see. It will surface within the minds of Light Workers, for they will know that it is I who comes to them with this mark. There will be a clear knowing- ness that the mark of 999 (666) resides within this individual. The confusion will arise as' a result of this Being representing himself as one who comes in the Name of My Energies. 7. Do not confuse this as any reference to an Anti-Christ. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. This representation in the biblical sense was trying to refer to the Fallen One who was instrumental in setting up this process whereby polarities could be experienced. As a result of this misunderstanding the Anti-Christ concept came into being in terms of one's attempt to understand events in heaven worlds. The Anti-Christ was proposed to be the opposite of Christ, / Page 37 / but Christ has no opposite, understand this! THE LIGHT DOES NOT NEED THE DARKNESS NOR DOES LOVE NEED AN OPPOSITE IN ORDER TO BE. 8. So much misunderstanding has prevailed through many ages with biblical teachings to foster control of mankind within the con- text of socalled religious freedom. The compiling of its contents was intentionally designed to limit the understanding of the followers. For if man knew, the church following would be limited to only those incapable of accepting truth, not of the Light so to speak. 9. Religion has resulted in the accumulation of money in centers for the benefit of their leaders and their desire for power/control in MY Name. The false truth structure they have used will crumble with them. The Eternal One who returns to the scene to make all things right will himself be accused of being the Beast for he will clearly represent the number of his essence in full light of day. As his perfection comes to the surface the gnashing of teeth concerning the mark will be all that religions will have to cling to. THAT IS WHY IT IS SO IMPERATIVE, URGENT, THAT WE PRESENT INFOR-MATION AT THIS TIME, FOR THE MOMENT OF RECKON- ING IS FAST APPROACHING MY CHILDREN. 10. My purpose for revealing 666 is to present to humanity another opportunity for total awakening and an opportunity to Know Me as a Heavenly Father who Loves and Cares for them all. �
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page137 THIRTEEN The Number 666 "666 has been the subject of more comment and speculation than any other cabalistic number, principally on account of the last ve(se of Revelation 13: 'Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.' In the Greek text the number is spelt in letters, '(Greek letters omitted) 'or 600, 60, 6. The prophetic quality in these words has thrilled the imagination of readers throughout the age. The meaning they bear is remarkable and not easy to understand, for the mystical language of numerology has long been moribund. However, by reference to the ancient canon of the Temple, it is possible to acquire some knowledge of its vocabulary and grammar, which may not unreasonably be applied to the further understanding of prophetic works in which this lan-guage was used. We have already seen the importance of the number 666 in the dimensions of the Temple and in the ratios of metrology, reflecting the dominant position which this number occupies within the hier-archy of powers. 666 is the number of absolute positive energy, emanating from the nucleus to the satellites. Like all symbolic numbers it has no single identity or personification, being of the nature of Plato's essences, a concept of the mind, invented to express a certain tendency, which is apparent within all classes of pheno- mena. 6 is the number of the physical creation, the cosmos, and 666, the trinity of sixes, represents the active side of that number, 3 being the first numerical symbol of positive energy. Thus the reference of 666 is to material as opposed to spiritual activity. As an elemental force, 666 represents the sun and the influence of solar radiation, corresponding in society to the emperor, and in the in- dividual to the principle of intellect and will. 666 is the generative power of the male, it is the electric shock that orientates the molecular structure, the leader directing the masses, the word of command / Page 138 / instinctively obeyed. There is a tendency in all phenomena towards inertia and relapse into fixed pattern which is evident both in physical nature and in the human mind. This tendecncy, which is characteristic of female and negative influence, is opposed by all that is reprecsented in the number 666. The sun drives the planets and a similar order prevails within the atom; a nation is animated by the strength and justice of its ruler, the individual by his intellect and power of decision. Every situation in life contains an element which corresponds to 666, the supreme solar representative within the hierarchy of numbers. Where the proportions are correct, the influence of the number 666 promotes fertility, gives life and colour, but where it becomes excessively dominant, the consequences are apparent in the tyranny of the self-willed governor, and in the de- velopment of a society obsessed with fantasies of violence, material wealth and power. The rays of the sun are filtered through the pro- tective atmosphere, and reach the seed through the medium of the earth. Were it not so they would destroy all. Following this analogy, the number 666, as it appears in the dimensions of temples, must al- ways be combined with numbers of a female, lunar or terrestrial character, and this result may be achieved by the use of the canonical figures of sacred geometry. We have seen in earlier chapters some- thing of the geometrical relationship between such numbers as 666, 1080 and 353 and the importance of 666 in the ratios of the foot to the megalithic yard and other ancient units. Where the pro-portions of regular geometry are measured by the canonical stan- dards of length, a balanced scheme of numerology will become apparent in the dimensions. The force of the number 666 is expressed by the Chinese in the symbol of the procreative dragon, relating to the first hexagram of the I Ching oracle. According to Wilhelm's commentary, 'the dragon is a symbol of the electrically charged, dynamic arousing force that manifests itself in the thunderstorm. In winter this energy withdraws into the earth; in the early summer it becomes active again, appear-ing in the sky as thunder and lightning. As a result the creative forces on earth begin to stir again. 'Whoever acquires this elemental view of nature is not likely to attribute eternal values to the various theologies and moral codes of human invention, and for this reason the authority of the early Roman Church was in direct opposition to the science of the gnostics, who encouraged their pupils to develop their sensitivity, and to perceive for themselves the interaction of cosmic forces.
Page 33 The New Jerusalem "It ap-pears that there are certain moments in history, as well in the development of each individual, when the ancient canon of proportion which this figure belongs becomes animated by the influences of tb time, acquiring a renewed significance and stimulating a certai pattern of thought, associated with prophecy and cosmic awarenes: St John's Revelation was a work of the ancient prophetic spirit tho characterised the early days of Christianity. Caught up in a vision on the isle of Patmos, St John saw the wheels and cycles of cosmi motion, watched the unfolding geometry of perpetual creation an experienced the rhythms and harmonies by which the universe is maintained. This was the climax of his initiation. The impressions received at such a moment are beyond the range of ordinary communication, and St John had recourse to the ancient, metaphysic. language, constructed round the image of the Temple or holy city The book of Revelation is an arrangement of symbols, each having precise meaning in terms of the others and a corresponding numerica value, by reference to which various groups of symbols could b placed together in geometric or harmonic order, the total sum of a] amounting to the complete structure of the Temple itself. As Blavatsky wrote in Isis, 'The whole Revelation is simply an allegorical narrative of the Mysteries and initiation therein of a candidate, who is John himself.' It has always been recognised by Hebrew scholars that their sacred texts, including those of the Old Testament, were written in accord ance with a code of numbers, but although the key to their interpreta tion by means of the numerical values attributed to the Hebrew letters is still known, the science of the cabala has seemed of little interest in modern times. The Greek cabala, the language of Pythagorean and Christian gnostic mysticism, has attracted even less attention, and were it not for the examples of its use given by certain / Page 34 / the early Fathers, direct evidence of its former existence would be scarce. Following its rejection of the gnostic tradition in about the second century, the Church adopted the policy of destroying all records which associated early Christianity with former beliefs and practices, particularly those relating to cosmology and the various sciences that supported it. However, it is still possible by reference to certain gnostic passages in the New Testament and other early Greek texts to gain some knowledge of the numerical system, by which the first Christians were able to demonstrate the eternal truth behind their creed and to prove the legitimacy of the Christian legend in the interpretation of the new age. Other examples of the figure of the New Jerusalem, of which one was conceived thousands of years before the time of St John, are described in the next chap-ters to show that the vision in Revelation was by no means unique, but was experienced by St John as the portentous return of an ancient spirit, which he described in the traditional language of mysticism, known to initiates of the gnostic schools. The mystical language, the most venerable human art, "Consists of an alphabet, each letter representing a certain sound which is also the expression of an archetypal form of energy. The visionary may experience the process of creation as a scheme of geometry, colours or musical harmonies and become aware that these manifestations all refer to one basic pattern of elemental motion, directed by forces known as the gods. He is then able to draw up a table of correspon-dences, in which to every letter is attributed its characteristic shape, note and colour and, above all, its number. The first and most per- fect magical alphabet is said to have been a gift from the gods to the first enlightened man, and this belief is justified by the fact that the same notion occurs spontaneously to mystics in all ages. Apart from the many legends which describe the origin of letters in divine revela- tion, there is Plato's account in Cratylos, Lully's system of science which he developed from a vision of letters and numerals in the eleventh century and intuitive notes on the 'Language of the Gods' in The Candle of Vision by the Irish seer' A.E.' 'The roots of human speech are the sound correspondences of powers which in their combination and interaction make up the universe. The mind of man is made in the image of Deity, and the dements of speech are related to the powers in his mind and through it to the being of the Oversoul.' The peculiar significance of the mystical language is that it is received both by inheritance from the past and by personal exper-ence in the present, It is the only medium by which thoughts con- / Page 35 / The New Jerusalem 35 ceived in one age can be transmitted to others throughout all time, and since it is the language of Revelation, we must become ac- quainted with its structure in order to receive St John's message Page 34 "The mystical language, the most venerable human art, "Consists of an alphabet, each letter representing a certain sound which is also the expression of an archetypal form of energy. The visionary may experience the process of creation as a scheme of geometry, colours or musical harmonies and become aware that these manifestations all refer to one basic pattern of elemental motion, directed by forces known as the gods. He is then able to draw up a table of correspon-dences, in which to every letter is attributed its characteristic shape, note and colour and, above all, its number. The first and most per- fect magical alphabet is said to have been a gift from the gods to the first enlightened man, and this belief is justified by the fact that the same notion occurs spontaneously to mystics in all ages." CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page109 "At the root of our traditional units of measurement is the ancient, mystical science of numbers, to which Plato makes an obscure reference towards the end of Epinomis, here quoted from Lamb's translation. The most important and first (study) is of numbers in themselves: not of those which are corporeal, but of the whole origin of the odd and the even and the greatness of their influence on the nature of reality. When he has learnt these things, there comes next what they call by the very ridiculous name of geometry, when it proves to be a manifest likening of numbers not like one another by nature in respect of the province of planes; and this will be clearly seen by him who is able to understand it to be a marvel, not of human but of divine origin. And then, after that, the numbers thrice increased and like to the solid nature, and those again which have been made unlike, he likens by another art, namely that which its adepts call stereometry.' The text is probably corrupt, the expressions are unfamiliar and it is hard to follow Plato's meaning. But the reference, both here and in another passage in Laws, is to some method of relating different classes of phenomena to one numerical system, by which the adept may come to understand the unifying principle in nature. Of this knowledge Plato declares that it is the greatest of all blessings both to him who possessed it and to his community, but if it can not be acquired, the best substitute is simple faith in God since, on the / Page 110 / word of an initiate, matters are far better arranged than we can possibly conceive. He continues, 'Every diagram and system of number and every combination of harmony and the agreement of the revolution of the stars must be made manifest as one in all to him who learns in the proper way, and will be made manifest if a man learns aright by keeping his eyes on unity; for it will be manifest to us as we reflect, that there is one bond naturally uniting all these things.' The number 666 in metrology The number which above all others acts as a bond between the various units of measurement is the perfect number of Chaldean mathematics, 666. For example, 666 feet = 150 cubits + 150 MY while 666 square feet = 90 square MY. Also 6660 square yards = 902 square MY and 66,600 square feet = 1502 square cubits. The Babylonians had a decimal system, but they also reckoned in units of 6, 60 and 600 and a curious survival of this system is found in the letters which the Romans used as numerals, for the sum of I, V, X, L, C and D is 666. "
Collins Edition 1958 Page 699 Chapter 33 Verse 3 "Call unto me, and I will show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."
Lois Pauwels and Jacques Bergier 1963 Page 226 "...dreams can foretell even distant future events,* and two German research workers, Moufang and Stevens, in a work entitled The Mystery of Dreams have cited a number of cases, which have been carefully checked, in which dreams revealed future events and led to important scientific discoveries. The celebrated atomic scientist, Niels Bohr, when he was a student, had a strange dream. He saw himself on a Sun consisting of burning gas. Planets whizzed by, whistling as they passed. They were attached to the Sun by thin filaments, and revolved round it. Suddenly the gas solidified and the Sun and planets crumbled away. Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis- covered the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve. The whole of modem atomic physics and its applications have come out of this dream."
THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD E. A. Wallace Budge 1899 OF LIVING NIGH UNTO RA Page 397 Chap. cxxxi. 5] [From the Papyrus of Nu (Brit. Mus. No. 10,477, sheets 17 and 18).) Vignette: This Chapter is without vignette, both in the Papyrus of Nu and in the Saite Recension (see Lepsius, OF. cit., Bl. 54). Text: (1) 1 The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith :- "I am that god Ra who shineth in the night. Every "(2) being who followeth in his train shall have life in " the following of the god Thoth, and he shall give "unto him the risings of Horus in the darkness. The " heart of Osiris Nu, the overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, triumphant, is glad (3) because "he is one of those beings, and his enemies have been "destroyed by the divine princes. I am a follower of "Ra, and [I have] received his iron weapon. (4) I "have- come unto thee, O my father Ra, and I have " advanced to the god Shu. I have cried unto the "mighty goddess, I have equipped the god Hu (5) and "I alone have removed the Nebt god from the path of "' Ra. I am a Khu, and I have come to the divine "' prince at the bounds of the horizon. I have met / Page 398 / [Chap. cxxxi. 6 " (6) and 1 have received the mighty goddess. I have "raised up thy soul in the following of thy strength, "and my soul [liveth] through thy victory and thy "mighty power; it is I who give commands (7) in "speech to Ra in heaven. Homage to thee, O great " god in the east of heaven, let me embark in thy boat, " O Ra, let me open myself out in the form of a divine "hawk, (8) let me give my commands in words, let me " do battle in my Sekhem (?), let me be master under "my vine. Let me embark in thy boat O Ra, in "peace, (9) and let me sail in peace to the beautiful " Amentet. Let the god Tem speak unto me, [saying], " 'Wouldst [thou] enter therein?' The lady, the "goddess Mehen, is a million of years, yea, two million "years in (10) duration, and dwelleth in the house of "Urt and Nif-urt [and in} the Lake of a million years; "the whole company. of the gods move about among "those who are at the side of him who is the lord of "divisions of places (?). And I say, 'On every road " and among (11) these millions of years is Ra the lord, "and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' " Page 397 "The Chapter of making the way into heaven nigh unto Ra "
Lois Pauwels and Jacques Bergier 1963 Page 226 "The celebrated atomic scientist, Niels Bohr, when he was a student, had a strange dream. He saw himself on a Sun consisting of burning gas. Planets whizzed by, whistling as they passed. They were attached to the Sun by thin filaments, and revolved round it. Suddenly the gas solidified and the Sun and planets crumbled away. Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis- covered the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve. The whole of modem atomic physics and its applications have come out of this dream."
"Niels Bohr then woke up and realized that he had just dis-overed the model of the atom, so long sought after. The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve"
THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD E. A. Wallace Budge 1899 OF LIVING NIGH UNTO RA Page 397 And I say, 'On every road " and among (11) these millions of years is Ra the lord, "and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "
"In 1913 Bohr perfected the Rutherford theory of the atom by an early use of quantum theory. An electron moving in a circle around the nucleus can be held in orbit by a balance between the electrostatic force of attraction to the nuclei and the centrifugal force due to its motion."
THE MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS Lois Pauwels and Jacques Bergier 1963 Page 226 The 'Sun' was the fixed centre round which the electrons revolve" "and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "
THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD E. A. Wallace Budge 1899 Page 397 "and his path is in the fire; and they go round about "behind him, and they go round about behind him.' "
THE ASCENT OF MAN Hugh Drummond 1891 - 1895 Page 98 OHAPTER VII THE STRUGGLE FOR THE LIFE OF OTHERS "WE now open a wholly new, and by far the most important, chapter in the EvolutIon of Man. Up to this tIme we have found for him a Body, and the rudiments of Mind; But Man is not a Body, not a Mind. The temple still awaits its final tenant-the higher human Soul. With a Body alone, Man is an animal: the highest animal, yet a pure animal; struggling for its own narrow life, living for its small and sordid ends. Add a Mind to that and the advance is infinite. The Struggle for Life assumes the august form of a struggle for light: he who was once a savage, pursuing the arts of the chase, realises Aristotle's ideal man, "a hunter after Truth." Yet this is not the end. Experience tells us that Man's true life is neither lived in the material tracts of the body, nor in the higher altitudes of the intellect, but in the warm world of the affections. Till he is equipped with these, Man is not human. He reaches his full height only when Love becomes to him the breath of life, the energy of will, the summit of desire. Page 99 last lies all happiness, and goodness, and truth and divinity: "For the loving worm within its clod Were diviner than a loveless God" "That Love did not come down to us through the Struggle for Life, the only great factor in Evolution which up to this time has been dwelt upon, is self-evident. It has a lineage all its own. Yet inexplicable though the circum-stance be, the history of this force, the most stupendous the world has ever known, has scarcely even begun to be investigated. Every other principle in Nature has had a thousand prophets; but this supreme dynamic has run its course through the ages unobserved; its rise, so far as Science is concerned, is unknown; its story has never been told. But if any phenomenon or principle in Nature is capable of treat-ment under the category of Evolution, this is. Love is not a late arrival, an after-thought, with Creation. It is not a novelty of a romantic civilisation. It is not a pious word of religion. Its roots began to grow with the first cell of life which budded on this earth. How great it is the llistory of humanity bears witness; but how old it is and how solid, how bound up with the very constitution of the world, how from the first of time an eternal part of it, we are only now beginning to perceive. For the Evolution of Love is a piece of pure Science. Love did not descend out of the clouds like rain or snow. It was distilled on earth. And few of the romances which in after years were to cluster round this immortal word are more wonderful than the story of its birth and growth. Partly a product of crushed lives and exterminated species; and partly of the choicest blossoms and sweetest essences that ever came from the tree of life, it reached its spiritual perfection after a history the most strange and chequered that the pages of Nature have to record. What Love was at first, how crude and sour and embryonic a thing, it is impossible to conceive. But from age to age, immeasurable faith and patience, by cultivations continuously repeated, by transplantings endlessly varied, the un-recognisable germ of this new fruit was husbanded to its maturity, and became the tree on which humanity, society, and civilisation were ultimately borne. As the story of Evolution is usually told, Life-the evolved form, as we shall see, of the Struggle for the Life of Others-has not even a place. Almost the whole emphasis of Science has fallen upon the oppo-site-the animal Struggle for Life. Hunger was early seen by the naturalists to be the first and most imperious appetite of all living things, and the course of Nature came. to be erroneously interpreted in terms of a never-ending strife. Since there are vastly more creatures born than can ever survive, since for every morsel of food provided a hundred claimants appear, life to an animal was described to us as one long tragedy; and Poetry, borrowing the imperfect creed, pictured Nature only as a blood-red fang. :Before we can go on to trace the higher progress of Love itself, it is necessary to correct this misconception. And no words can be thrown away if they serve, in whatever imperfect measure, to restore to honour what is in reality the supreme factor in the Evolution of the world. To interpret the whole course of Nature by the Struggle for Life is as absurd as if one were to define the character of St. Francis by the tempers of his childhood. Worlds grow up as well as infants; their tempers change, the better nature opens out, new objects of desire appear, higher activities are added to the lowcr. The first chapter or two of the story of Evolution may be headed the Struggle for Life; but take the book as a whole and it is not a tale of battle; It is a Love-story."
Jacob Bronowski The Ascent of Man Page 194 " The absence of a Pole star could be meaningful down here in the southern hemisphere, but it cannot be meaningful for the whole of the New World. Because there is Central America, there is Mexico, there are all sorts of places which also did not have an astronomy and yet which lie north of the equator. What was wrong there? Nobody knows. I think that they lacked that great dynamic image which so moved the Old World - the wheel. The wheel was only a toy in the New World. But in the Old World it was the greatest image of poetry and science; everything was founded on it. This sense of the heavens moving round their hub inspired Christopher Columbus when he set sail in 1492, and the hub was the round earth. He had it from the Greeks, who believed that the stars were fixed on spheres which made music as they turned. Wheels within wheels. That was the system of Ptolemy that had worked for over a thousand years. More than a hundred years before Christopher Columbus set sail, the Old World had been able to make a superb clockwork of the starry heavens. It was made by Giovanni de Dondi in Padua in about 1350. It took him sixteen years, and it is sad that the original has not survived. Happily, it has been possible to build a duplicate from his working drawings, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington houses the marvellous model of classical astronomy that Giovanni de Dondi designed. But more than the mechanical marvel is the intellectual con-ception, which comes from Aristotle and Ptolemy and the Greeks. De Dondi's clock is their view of the planets as seen from the earth. From the earth there are seven planets - or so the ancients thought, since they counted the sun also as a planet of the earth. So the clock has seven faces or dials, and on each face rides a planet. The path of the planet on its dial is (approxi-mately) the path that we see from the earth - the clock is about as accurate as observation was when it was made. Where the path looks circular from the earth, it is circular on its dial; that was easy. But where the path of a planet loops back oil itself when / Page 196 / seen from the earth, de Dondi has a mechanical combination of wheels which copies the epicycles (that is, the rolling of circles on circles) by which Ptolemy had described it. (Illustration 87 Page 197 omitted) First, then, the Sun: a circular path, as it seemed then. The next dial shows Mars: notice that its motion is running on a clock- work wheel inside a wheel. Then Jupiter: more complex wheels within wheels. Next Saturn: wheels within wheels. Then we come to the Moon- isn't she delicious as de Dondi pictured her? Her dial is simple, because she truly is a planet of the earth, and her path is shown as circular. Lastly we come to the dials for the two planets that lie between us and the Sun; that is, to Mercury, and finally to Venus. And again the same picture: the wheel that carries Venus turns inside a larger, hypothetical wheel. It is a marvellous intellectual conception; very comnplex - but that only makes it more marvellous that in AD 150, not long after the birth of Christ, the Greeks should have been able to con- ceive and put into mathematics this superb construction. Then what is wrong with it? One thing only: that there are seven dials for the heavens - and the heavens must have one machinery, not seven. But that machinery was not found until Copernicus put the sun at the centre of the heavens in 1543. Nicolaus Copernicus was a distinguished churchman and a humanist intellectual from Poland, born in 1473. He had studied law and medicine in Italy; he advised his government on currency reform; and the Pope asked his help on calendar reform. For at least twenty years of his life, roughly, he devoted himself to the modem proposition that nature must be simple. Why were the paths of the planets so complicated? Because, he decided, we look at them from the place where we happen to be standing, the earth. Like the pioneers of perspective, Copernicus asked, Why not look at them from another place? There were good Renaissance reasons, emotional rather than intellectual reasons, that made him choose the golden sun as the other place. In the middle of all sits the Sun enthroned. In this most beautiful temple. could we place this luminary in any better position from which he can illuminate the whole at once? He is rightly called the Lamp. the Mind. the [ 96 Ruler of the Universe: Hermes Trismegistus names him the Visible God./ Page 197 / Sophocles' Electra calls him the All-Seeing. So the Sun sits as upon a royal throne, ruling his children, the planets which circle round him We know that Copernicus had thought of putting the sun at the centre of the planetary system for a long time. He may have written the first tentative and non-mathematical sketch of his scheme before he was forty. However, this was not a proposal to be made lightly in an age of religious upheaval. By 1543, near seventy, Copernicus had finally braced himself to publish his mathematical description of the heavens, what he called De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs, as a single system moving round the sun. (The word 'revolution' has an overtone now which is not astronomical, and that is not an accident. It comes from this time and this topic.) Copernicus died in the same year. It is said that he only saw a copy of his book once, when it was put into his hands on his deathbed.
1836 divided we stand by 34 ISISIS 54
HARMONIC 288 THE PULSE OF THE UNIVERSE Bruce Cathie 1977 Page 204 "Wake up Earth! We are being taken for a ride and demand to know the truth "
ZedAlizZed threw back a strange echo WAKE UP EARTH KNOW THE TRUTH
NOT OF THIS WORLD Peter Kolosimo 1970 Page 233 (1836 - 1925)"
DAILY MIRROR Thursday July 31st 2003 CREATIVE GEOMETRY: THE 12, THE 7, AND THE 5 John Michell
IN this series we have followed the story of how the Great Geometer made the world. First he located his centre, and from it he drew a circle, This circle depicts the sphere that contains the whole universe. Last week we reached the stage of drawing the outline of the "heavenly city diagram" that represents the sphere of earth below the moon. Its main feature is a circle of radius 5,040, the sum of the earth's mean 3,960 miles, and that of the moon, 1,080 miles. These numbers are all multiples of 12, a number representing order. The Creator is said to have framed the universe in 12s. But, to give it life and spirit, he had to include the numbers 5 and 7. It is easy with compass and ruler to draw a l2-sided figure, but no one has shown how to construct a heptagon with perfect accuracy. But you can draw it near enough, and one way is to use the framework of the heavenly city. In this diagram the circle accommodates a 28-sided figure. Twelve of its arms go to the centres of the 12 moon circles, and the others touch their sides. Twenty Eight is 4 times 7. and it is also the sum of the numbers 1 to 7. It is the number of lunar mansions in astrology, and the number of days in a lunar month. Seven is the mystical number, symbol of the world-soul that inspires visions and prophecy. Like 7! (lx2x3x4x5x6x7) or 5,040; it is the number of the virgin goddess who existed before the creation of the world. She is indefinable, and so is her geometric symbol, the heptagon. Five represents the last stages in creation, when life and humanity appeared. Its shape, the pentagon, occurs throughout nature. Roses and many other plant- forms are pentagonal. So is the outline of the human body with its five extremities. The ratio between the side of a pentagon and its diagonal is 1 to 1.618. This is the famous "golden section" ratio. Scientists have recognised in it the key to natural form and growth. Artists have used it to bring harmony to their compositions. It is displayed in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. With the appearance of plants and animals, the geometer's creation myth comes to its end. It is a good old story, and it provides a gateway into the mysteries of geometry, numbers and the world itself.
Bernard Garside Boyd Paper Products 1994 Page 39 A Firkin (1/4 barrel = 9 gallons A Kilderkin (barrel) = 18 gallons A Barrel = 36 gallons A hogshead (1, barrels) = 54 gallons A puncheon (2 barrels) = 72 gallons A butt of ale (3 barrels) = 108 gallons
THE FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS Graham Hancock 1995 Page 274 "The pre-eminent number in the code is 72. To this is frequently added 36, making 108, and it is permissible to multiply 108 by 100 to get 10,800 or to divide it by 2 to get 54, which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed as 540 (or as 54,000, or as 540,000, or as 5,400,000, and so on). Also highly significant is 2160 ( the number of years required for the equinoctial point to transit one zodiacal / Page 275 / constellation), which is sometimes multiplied by 10 and by factors of ten (to give 216,000, 2,160,000, and so on) " and sometimes by 2 to give 4320, or 43,200, or 432,000, or 4,320,000,ad infinitum."
As above so below said Aliz Zed
THE WRITING OF BALASPIS, BY COMMAND OF HERMES TRISMEGISTUS, UNTO THE PRIESTS OF THE GREAT TEMPLE. Page number omitted "PRIESTS OF THEBAIS Servants in the great temple of HECA-TOMPYLOS! Ye who in the sacred city DIOSPOLIS, have dedicated your lives to the service of the King of the Gods and of men' HERMES,* the interpreter of the will of OSIRIS, greets you' It is the will of the Gods, in grand assembly convened, that ye pre-serve your lives free from stain and pollution. It is their will that ye continue to instruct the nations, as far as they may be permitted to know. It is the pleasure of OSIRIS, sitting on his throne of clouds, and sur-rounded by the inferior deities, that ye make known to his subjects, his children upon earth, whatever may concern their DESTINY, and what matters ye shall find written in the book of books :-THE WRITTEN ROLL OF MAN'S FATE, now committed to your / Page xxx / safe keeping :-that ye do this strictly and truly, withollt fear of danger, or hope of reward, according to all questions that may be asked, by individual persons, by tribes, by rulers of states, and by conquerors of nations. OSIRIS commandeth the servants in his favoured sanctuary to shew favour unto none, in the answers which it will be their duty to give from this book. Let sacrificices and gifts and invocations be made; let the question be asked in all humility and strong faith, and when the DIVINER hath consulted the windings and intricacies of the problem, according to the instt\i{:tions hereunto appended, let the result be written and handed to the chief PROPHET or PROPHETESS, (seated on a stool having three legs;) who shall read and interpret the writing of HERMES unto the enquirer, in the face of all the assembled people. And the PROPHET or PROPHETESS shall read no writing but what hath been truly given to her by the priest who doth officiate in the sacrifice; and the priest shall not add to, nor diminish from, what he findeth to the true answer to the question asked, as in this ROLL OF MAN'S FATE contained: neither shall he substitute one answer for another, but in all things he shall do according to the instructions herein given. 'The highest among the Gods, in like way, ordaineth, that no bribe, nor private gift, shall be offered or taken, either by the individual who enquireth, or by the priest who maketh answer to the consulta-tion: let the gift, which is to he offered, be of free will, and let it be put upon the altar after the sacrifice hath been consumed, In the face of all the people. If herein the priests offend, they shall, on the instant, bestrllck down and pinioned to the earth by the piercing and fiery arrows which the great OSIRIS in his anger, speaking from the clouds, hurleth at offending mortals. - Look to it; that, in this, ye offend not. It is further enjoined that ye take strict charge of this book; that no one but the priests do touch it with their hands, and that it be pre-served in a chest of alabaster, to be placed under the-altar in the midst of the temple. It is in like way commanded that copies of the book be written as occasion requireth, and that they be transmitted unto. the priests of the other temples throughout ,the earth: also that they be deposited in the tombs of the KINGS and of the HIGH PRIESTS. as followeth: - When the body hath been embalmed and sufficiently swathed in fine cloth, let the roll of writing be placed under the left Breast, and / Page xxxi / let the vestment be bound over it; so that it shall be covered close and hid from view. The body shall then be attended by the princes and priests and people to the place of sepulture, where it is to be interred with honour ;- a strong and durable building being raised on the top thereof. THE ORACLE *To Hermes Trismegistus, a sage as highly revered among them, as Zoroaster was among the Persians, the Egyptians ascribed the inventions of chief use to human life; and like every people who are unable to settle the antiquity of their origin, they represented his works to have outstood the shock even of the universal deluge. They otherwise called him Thoth; and their priests constantly maintainetl that from the hieroglyphical characters upon the pillars he erected, and the sacred books, all the philosophy and learning of the world has been derived, and all the oracular intelligence has been drawn."
INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNT / OF Sntftnt ~ratlt5t ~+~ No institution is more famous than the ancient Oracles of Egypt. Greece, and Rome. They were said to be the will of the gods themselves, and they were consuJted, not onJy upon every important matter, but even in the affairs of private life. To make peace or war. to introduce a change of government, to plant a colony, to enact Jaws, to raise an edifice, or to marry, were all sufficient reasons to consult the will of the gods. Mankind, in consulting them, showed that they wished to pay implicit obedience to the command of the divinity, and, when they had been favoured with an answer, they acted with more spirit, and with more vigour, conscious that the undertaking had met with the sanction and approbation of heaven. - In this, therefore, it will not appear wonderful that so many places were sacred to oracular purposes. The small province of Breotia couJd once boast of her ~5 oracles. and Peloponnesus of the same number. Not onJy the chief of the gods gave oracles, but, in process of time, heroes were admitted to enjoy the same privileges; and the oracles of a Trophonius and an Antinous, were soon able to rival the fame of Apollo and of Jupiter. The most celebrated oracles of antiquity were those of Dodona, Delphi, Jupiter Ammon, &c. The temple of Delphi seemed to cJaim a superiority over the other temples; its fame was once more extended. and its riches were so great, that not only private persons, but even kings and numerous armies, made it an object of plunder and of rape.
THE SIRIUS MYSTERY Robert Temple 'THE RISING OF 'SERPENT'S TOOTH' established, or instituted'. And thesmoJeo is a verb meaning 'to deliver oracular precepts', once again a meaning which should not surprise us.- In Wallis Budge we read3 from an Egyptian text of 'the star Septet (Sothis, the Dog Star), whose seats are pure', which is a specific reference to there being seats around Sirius - and, of course, there are fifty seats as we know, which led to the fifty thrones of the Anunnaki, the fifty oarsmen of the Argo, etc. In Wallis Budge we also read4 excerpts of Egyptian texts speaking of holy emanations proceeding from Sirius and Orion which 'vivify gods, men, cattle, and creeping things . . . both gods and men', and are a pouring out of the seed of the soul. Of course, the Dogon maintain the same thing in almost precisely the same terms. To them the seed which energizes the world pours forth from the Sirius system. In Wallis Budge we find also a particularly interesting bit of further information.6 There we learn that the deceased spirit of a man 'goes to Nephthys' and the celestial boat. We have much earlier identified the dark Nephthys with Sirius B. It is therefore interesting to learn that as soon as the deceased visits Nephthys and his 'double' (ka) is recorded in heaven, he immediately 'revolves like the sun' - which I think is a pretty specific astronomical description. As he revolves he 'leads on the Tuat (underworld or heaven)', which is a curious turn of phrase implying a round dance or at least motion which is purposeful, 'and is pure of life in the horizon like Saihu (Orion) and Sept (Sirius, the Dog-star)'. I hope it will be noticed that the phrase here reads 'in the horizon'- and much earlier I said I believed the term 'the horizon' applied specifically to the orbit of Sirius B. Here we have the / Page 366 / deceased revolving like a sun in a purposeful way in 'the horizon'. I don't think the Egyptians could possibly have been more specific and clear than this. Wallis Budge comments: 'The mention of Orion and Sothis is interesting, for it shows that at one time the Egyptians believed that these stars were the homes of departed souls.' Having learned this (a belief held as well by the Dogon, as we know), let us return to our word iirq which I believe to be the origin of ark and Argo and Argus in Greek, all of which I claim are related to Sirius. Perhaps the reader will not be too amazed if by now I inform him that iirq ~e~ is a 'necropolis' and iirq- ~e~tt is 'the Other World' - which we have just this moment learned was located by the early Egyptians at the star Sirius! (Also remember that the guardian of the necropolis in Greek was a circe in the Argo story.) Arq has the further meaning of 'a measure', possibly because spirits are normally measured in Arq-~e~tt. And for final touches of mystery, I will add that iirq can mean 'to wriggle (of a serpent)' - from 'binding around' - and iirq ur is the word for that mystery of mysteries, the Sphinx! The same word means also 'silver', and Wallis Budge claims that the Greek iipyvpot; (argyros) is derived from it, which gave us our heraldic term argent and the country's name Argentina. Since this term in Greek is derived from iirq ur (ur means 'chief or 'Great'), in the opinion of an eminent expert, I believe there is no objection then to my suggestion that the other Greek words came from iirq and its forms.- But, as I said, this derivation is one which entered Indo-European from Egypt before the Aryan invasion of India, for in Sanskrit iirksha means 'stellar, belonging to or . In discussion with Professor Oliver R. Gurney of Oxford, who was sceptical of Egyptian origins of Indo-European words, I found that he considered Wallis Budge's suggestion possible on two bases: (I) The word is a technical one, (2) my explanation of the Colchian connection as providing a geographical forum for such linguistic influence.
Page 366 **Plutarch in 'Isis and Osiris' (378 D) informs us: 'Among the Greeks also many things are done which are similar to the Egyptian ceremonies in the shrines of Isis, and they do them at about the same time. At Athens the women fast at the Thesmophoria sitting upon the ground.'s
CHEIRO'S BOOK OF NUMBERS Circa 1926 Page 99 At the 9th hour the Saviour died on the Cross. The Romans held a feast in memory of their dead every 9th year. In some of the Hebrew writings it is taught that God has 9 times descended to this earth: 1st in the Garden of Eden, 2nd at the confusion of tongues at Babel, 3rd at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 4th to Moses at Horeb, 5th at Sinai when the Ten Commandments were given, 6th to Balaam, 7th to Elisha, 8th in the Tabernacle, 9th in the Temple at Jerusalem, and it is taught that at the l0th coming this earth will pass away and a new one will be created. Both the First and Second Temples of the Jews were destroyed on the 9th day of the Jewish month called Ab. On the 9th day of Ab all modem Jews who follow their religion cannot wear the Talith and Phylacteries until the Sun has set. There are so many curious things con- nected with the Number 9 that it would / Page 100 / not be possible to deal with one half of them in a book of this description" Page13 "It is impossible in a book of this size to. give in detail all the reasonings and examples that exist for a belief in the occult side of numbers, but it may interest my readers if I give a few illustrations of why the number 7 has for ages been regarded as the number of mystery relating to the spiritual side of things, and why the number 9 has in its turn come to be regarded as the finality or end of the series on which all ou, materialistic calcu-lations are built, but the most casual observer can only admit that beyond the number 9 all ordinary numbers become but a mere repetition of the first 9. A simple illustration of this will readily suffice. The number 10, as the zero is not a number, becomes a repetition of the number I. The number II added together as the ancient occultists laid down in their law of natural addition, namely, adding together from left to right, repeats the number 2, I2 repeats 3, 13 repeats / Page 14 / and so on up to 19, which in its turn becomes 1 and 9 =10, and so again the repetition of 1. 20 represents 2, and so on to infmity. The occult symbolism of what are called compound numbers, that is, those numbers from 10 onwards I will explain later. In this way it will be seen that in all our materialistic systems of numbers, the numbers I to 9 are the base on which we are compelled to build, just as in the same way the seven great or primary harmonies in music are the bases of all music, and again as the seven primary colours are the bases of all our combinations of colours. In passing it may be remarked that all through the Bible and other sacred books, the "seven," whenever men- tioned, always stands in relation to the spiritual or mysterious God force, and has curious significance in this sense whenever employed."
Bryan Appleyard 1992 science and the soul of modern man Page 152 "There was even something symbolically magical about the way Planck arrived at the number. He discovered it simply as a way of solving equations rather than via any route through the intuitively possible or the experimentally observable. This evokes the method of that fictional hero of the age of science, Sherlock Holmes, as he affirms it to the long-suffering Dr Watson in The Sign of Four in 1889. 'How often', he asks impatiently, 'have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, what- ever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'5 However improbable. . . anybody not shocked by quantum mechanics, Niels Bohr was later to say, has not understood it. Erwin Schrodinger was to describe the truths of the new physics as not quite as meaningless as a triangular circle, but much more so than a winged lion. The underlying message of both remarks was that quantum physics could not be made to accord with common sense or intuition. It was bizarre, absurd. Unfortunately it just had to be true, the numbers said so. Newton and Galileo had prepared us for this by showing that the truth lay in universal laws that lay far beyond the limits of our everyday perception. But their versions of those laws still lay well within the range of the intuitive. What was to emerge from quantum theory was to challenge our ability even to guess at the true nature of the world." CHEIRO'S BOOK OF NUMBERS Circa 1926 Page106 "Shakespeare, that Prince of Philosophers, whose thoughts will adorn English litera- ture for all time, laid down the well-known axiom: There is a tide in the affairs of men which if taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." The question has been asked again and again, Is there some means of knowing when the moment has come to take the tide at the flood? My answer to this question is that the Great Architect of the Universe in His Infinite Wisdom so created all things in such harmony of design that He endowed the human mind with some part of that omnipotent knowledge which is the attribute of the Divine Mind as the Creator of all. THE WISE WOUND Penelope Shuttle and Peter Redgrove 1994 Page 141 Now we must look at the facts that enable us to conjecture that in this state of emancipation, which involved the development of menstruation, the woman's meditations or potions opened her to the effects of the tides, and the sight of the moon. Perhaps she felt the tides in her body, as all water-diviners do. Perhaps she felt the moon- tide as the great 81,000,000,000,000,000,000 ton body passed only a quarter of a million miles overhead, the tidal vibration that is greatest at new moon and solar eclipse when the sun's force and the moon's force are in line and their gravitation is added together (the sun adds some thirty per cent to the tidal peaks at new or full moon). Perhaps she felt this tidal vibration in her body as it is felt throughout the whole earth, in her body made of water and solids as the earth is, of spaces of fluid acting over hard bones, and opened herself in a kind of yoga-tuning to this experience. Then in her excitement these fluids at the focus of tautness and sensitivity at her premenstrual time, burst through their membranes in a flood of tidal communion with the moon and its waters, and the blood flowed in excitement and sympathy. We know that there are these tidal peaks and dynamisms in the earth's progress through its month and through its year, like a breathing of the continents, and it has been conjectured by Theodor Schwenk that these times correspond to the great yearly festivals: ' All naturally flowing waters have their rhythms perhaps following the course of the day, perhaps keeping time with longer seasonal rhythms. .. Everywhere liquids move in rhythms. Countless rhythms permeate the processes of nature. Not only are the great currents and Page 141 / 142 The Wise Wound tides of the oceans subject to the rhythms of the seasons; every lake, every pond, every well with its ground water level has its movements that fluctuate with high and low tide or according to other laws.' There is really nothing mystical in this, or in the idea that an enhanced body-consciousness would be capable of perceiving and responding to these tides. Perhaps this is a rationale of the lunar bowl meditations described by E. A. S. Butterworth in his The Tree at the Navel of the Earth: descending into the body to perceive the environmental harmonies, and drawing upon their strength. It actually seems more surprising that the human being is in present times consciously so blind to these influences! There is no doubt at all that they occur. One of the standard books on the subject is Soli berger's Biological Rhythm Research. In this book he summarizes the evidence for the influence on biological organisms of the great natural rhythms, the 'synchronizers'. He says, for instance, that 'In view of the gravitational effect of the moon, the lunar day [24-8 hours] may be as real a period for the living organism as the solar day.' The rhythm of the two combine in a particular beat, which will vary through the lunar month. There are two daily tides, and the moon's passage and its tidal effects will travel through the solar day at a different rate at different times of the month. The two will 'beat together' once a month.The lunar tides act on the earth's crust as well as on the waters. The lunar half-day of 12-4 hours makes beats with the twenty-four-hour cycle, forming an approximately half-month period. Big beats in the earth twice a month. It would be surprising if the human body did not feel this through the tides as do the cteatures on the sea-shore. We have the salt of the sea in our blood, in the proportions that obtained there many millions of years ago, when we crawled up the littoral enclosing our own salt self-environment in our bodies. Many sea animals swarm with the lunation, herrings, for instance, eels, and the famous palolo worms. Grunions spawn on the flood tides of full moon. When pilchards were fished from the Cornish coasts, they appeared at the tide-time as a red stain in the sea, perceived by watchers on the cliffs, who signalled to the fishing-boats. It was like watching for the sea's period. The sea floods with light that answers the full moon when the Atlantic fireworm swarms and breeds along the Bermuda coast. Sexual activity at the full moon in the animal kingdom is the rule rather than the exception.
ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Lewis Carroll "and was just saying to herself, 'if one only knew the right way to change them-' when she was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off. The Cat only grinned when it saw Alice. It looked good- natured, she thought: still it had very long claws and a great many teeth, so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect. 'Cheshire Puss,' she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. 'Come, it's pleased so far,' thought Alice, and she went on. 'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?' 'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat. 'I don't much care where--' said Alice. 'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat. '-so long as I get somewhere,' Alice added as an explanation. 'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you only walk long enough.' Alice felt that this could not be denied, so she tried another question. 'What sort of people live about here?'
THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE Arthur Eddington 1940 THE UNIVERSE AND THE ATOM Page 99 of the universe, or is an absolute standard outside the universe. For whatever embodies this comparison unit is ipso facto the space of physics. Physical space therefore cannot be featureless. As a matter of geo- metrical terminology features of space are described as curvatures (including hypercurvatures); as already ex- plained, no metaphysical implication of actual bending in new dimensions is intended. We have there~ore no option but to look for the natural standard of length among the radii of curvature or hypercurvature of space-time. To the pure geometer the radius of curvature is an incidental characteristic-like the grin of the Cheshire cat. To the physicist it is an indispensable 'charac- teristic. It would be going too far to say that to the physicist the cat is merely incidental to the grin. Physics is concerned with interrelatedness such as the interrelatedness of cats and grins. In this case the ., cat without a grin" and the "grin without a cat" are equally set aside as purely mathematical phantasies. When once it is admitted that there exists everywhere a radius of curvature ready to serve as comparison standard, and that spatial distances are directly or indirectly expressed in terms of this standard, the law of gravitation (G ". = Ag".) follows without further assumption; and accordingly the existence of the cos- mical constant A with the corresponding force o~ cosmical repulsion is established. Being in this way based on a fundamental necessity of physical space,l 1 The requirement is that the comparison standard shall be a magnitude intrinsic in the space-for whatever the standard is intrinsic in, that ipso facto is space. Space can have other characteristic magnitudes besides the radius of curvature-for example, magnitudes measuring various kinds of hypercurva- ture. Although the suggestion seems far-fetched, it is, I sVl:';;:...C, conceivable that one of these might be substiv.lled. That would give a different law of gravitation; but there is still a cosmical constant, depending on the ratio of the metre to the natural comparison standard. In fact the cosmical term ?'g". remains unchanged; it is G ". which is modified.
Heinz Pagels The Road to Quantum Reality Page165 "That we may not always know reality is not because it is so far from us but because we are so close to it." We feel excited by his remarks, though the old uneasi- ness has not left us. Yet listening to him is certainly better than that marketplace. After a long silence our old friend gives us his final words. "What quantum reality is, is the reality marketplace. The house of a God that plays dice has many rooms. We can live in only one room at a time, but it is the whole house that is reality."He gets up and leaves us. Only the smoke from his pipe remains, and then, like the smile of the Cheshire cat, that too disappears."
Arthur Eddington 1940 THE UNIVERSE AND THE ATOM Page 99 "For whatever embodies this comparison unit is ipso facto the space of physics. Physical space therefore cannot be featureless. As a matter of geo- metrical terminology features of space are described as curvatures (including hypercurvatures); as already ex- plained, no metaphysical implication of actual bending in new dimensions is intended. We have there~ore no option but to look for the natural standard of length among the radii of curvature or hypercurvature of space-time. To the pure geometer the radius of curvature is an incidental characteristic-like the grin of the Cheshire cat. To the physicist it is an indispensable 'charac- teristic. It would be going too far to say that to the physicist the cat is merely incidental to the grin. Physics is concerned with interrelatedness such as the interrelatedness of cats and grins. In this case the ., cat without a grin" and the "grin without a cat" are equally set aside as purely mathematical phantasies. When once it is admitted that there exists everywhere a radius of curvature ready to serve as comparison standard, and that spatial distances are directly or indirectly expressed in terms of this standard, the law of gravitation (G ". = Ag".) follows without further assumption; and accordingly the existence of the cos- mical constant A with the corresponding force o~ cosmical repulsion is established. Being in this way based on a fundamental necessity of physical space,l
Arthur Eddington 1940 THE UNIVERSE AND THE ATOM Page 99 To the pure geometer the radius of curvature is an incidental characteristic-like the grin of the Cheshire cat. To the physicist it is an indispensable 'charac- teristic. It would be going too far to say that to the physicist the cat is merely incidental to the grin. Physics is concerned with interrelatedness such as the interrelatedness of cats and grins. In this case the ., cat without a grin" and the "grin without a cat" are equally set aside as purely mathematical phantasies.
Heinz Pagels 1982 The Road to Quantum Reality Page165 "That we may not always know reality is not because it is so far from us but because we are so close to it." We feel excited by his remarks, though the old uneasi- ness has not left us. Yet listening to him is certainly better than that marketplace. After a long silence our old friend gives us his final words. "What quantum reality is, is the reality marketplace. The house of a God that plays dice has many rooms. We can live in only one room at a time, but it is the whole house that is reality."He gets up and leaves us. Only the smoke from his pipe remains, and then, like the smile of the Cheshire cat, that too disappears." ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND Lewis Carroll "and was just saying to herself, 'if one only knew the right way to change them-' when she was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off. The Cat only grinned when it saw Alice. It looked good- natured, she thought: still it had very long claws and a great many teeth, so she felt that it ought to be treated with respect. 'Cheshire Puss,' she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. 'Come, it's pleased so far,' thought Alice, and she went on. 'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?' 'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat. 'I don't much care where--' said Alice. 'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat. '-so long as I get somewhere,' Alice added as an explanation. 'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you only walk long enough.' SOLOMON
Paul Foster Case Page 108 " 108 PART ONE: THE ROSICRUCIAN AUEGORY the underlying purpose of the Fama, when it says the object of the manifesto is to reveal man's nobleness and worth and why he is called Microcosmus. For Microcosmus (or Microcosmos) is simply the Paracelsian adaptation of the Qabalistic Microprosopus, or Lesser Countenance. The Zohar says that all is contained in the mystery of Vav, and thereby all is revealed. The same Qabalistic authority connects Vav with the Son of David, and this was interpreted by erudite Europe in the seventeenth century, as a reference to the Christos. Attached to the nail was a stone. This is the same stone we have , mentioned before. It is the Stone rejected by the builders. It is the Stone of the Philosophers. It is ABN, Ehben, signifying the union of the Son with the Father. We have already said that Henry Khunrath published in 1609 a book called Amphitheatrum Chemicum, in which appears an illustration showing the word ABN, Ehben, enclosed in a triangle. This radiant triangle, with the letters ABN at its corners, is borne by a dragon, and the dragon is on top of a mountain. The mountain is in the middle or center of an enclosure, surrounded by a wall having seven sides, whose corners bear the words, reading from left to right or clockwise around the wall: Dissolution, Purification, Azoth Pondus, Solution, Multiplication, Fermentation, Projec- tion. Thus, the inner wall summarizes the alchemical operations. Its gate has the motto Non omnibus, meaning "Not for all," as if to intimate that entrance into the central mystery is not for everyone. . Surrounding this inner wall is another in the form of a seven- pointed star, composed of fourteen equal lines. The gate to this outer wall is flanked by two triangular pyramids, or obelisks. Over one is the sun, and this obelisk is named Faith. Over the other is the moon, and this pillar is named Taciturnity, or Silence. Between the pillars, in the gate, is a figure bearing the caduceus of Hermes or Mercury, standing behind a table on which is written "Good Works." Below is the motto: "The ignorant deride what the wise extol and admire." Thus, in Khunrath's diagram we have the same association be- tween a seven-sided figure and a stone that occurs in the Fama. The mystic mountain, with the dragon at its summit, is also a Rosicrucian symbol, as one may see in Thomas Vaughan's Lumen de Lumine, where Section 2 is entitled "A Letter from the Brothers of R.C., Concerning the Invisible, Magical Mountain and the Treasure therein Contained." Incidentally, the title of this section is a clear enough intimation that Thomas Vaughan was in communication with the Invisible Order, although he says in one of his books that he has "no acquaintance with this Fraternity as to their persons." Vaughan further says, concerning the Rosicrucians: Every sophister condemns them, because they appear not to the world, and concludes there is no such society, because he is not a member of it. There is scarce a reader so just as to consider upon what grounds they conceal
THE TRUE AND INVISIBLE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER Paul Foster Case 1981 Page 108 "Concerning the Invisible, Magical Mountain and the Treasure therein Contained"
THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN Thomas Mann 1875 - 1955 FOREWORD "THE STORY of Hans Castorp, which we would here set forth, not on his own account, for in him the reader will make acquaintance with a simple-minded though pleasing young man, but for the sake of the story itself, which seems to us highly worth telling - though it must needs be borne in mind, in Hans Castorp's behalf, that it is his story, and not every story happens to everybody- this story, we say, belongs to the long ago; is already, so to speak, covered with historic mould, and unquestionably to be presented in the tense best suited to a narrative out of the depth of the past. That should be no drawback to a story, but rather the reverse. Since histories must be in the past, then the more past the better, it would seem, for them in their character as histories, and for him, the teller of them, rounding wizard of times gone by. With this story, moreover, it stands as it does to-day with human beings, not least among them writers of tales: 'it is far older than its years; its age may not be measured by.length of days, nor the weight of time on its head reckoned by the rising or setting of suns. In a word, the degree of its antiquity has noways to do with the pas- sage of time - in which statement the author intentionally touches upon the strange and questionable double nature of that riddling element. But we would not wilfully obscure a plain matter. The exag-gerated pastness of our narrative is due to its taking place before the epoch when a certain crisis shattered its way through life and consciousness and left a deep chasm behind. It takes place - or, rather, deliberately to avoid the present tense, it took place, and had taken place - in the long ago, in the old days, the days of the world before the Great War, in the beginning of which so much began that has scarcely yet left off beginning. Yes, it took place before that; yet not so long before. Is not the pastness of the past the profounder, the completer, the more legendary, the more im- mediately before the present it falls? More than that, our story has, of its own nature, something of the legend about it now and again. Page xii We shall ten it at length, thoroughly, in detail- for when did a narrative seem too long or too short by reason of the actual time or space it took up? We do not fear being called meticulous, in-clining as we do to the view that only the exhaustive can be truly -interesting. Not all in a minute, then, will the narrator be finished with the story of our Hans. The seven days of a week will not suffice, no, nor seven months either. Best not too soon make too plain how much mortal time must pass over his head while he sits spun round in his spell. Heaven forbid it should be seven years!" And now we begin."
IN SEARCH OF EXTRA TERRESTRIALS Alan Landsburg 1977 edition Page 79 "as I lay gazing at the star-dusted sky, a strange feeling of utter loneliness crept over me. Those who live in cities never see the sky as it was that evening. It was like an enormous intergalactic fireworks display-here and there a shooting star, whole whorls of many solar systems, distant suns and galaxies spar- kling across the vast ice reaches of outer space. The words of J. B. S. Haldane came back to haunt me. He once wrote, "Now, my suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose. I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in any philosophy. That is the reason why I have no philosophy myself, and must be my excuse for dream-ing." The past fifteen years have reversed the thinking of the scientific community regarding extraterrestrial life, known as ETI. And while speculation about ETI has always been a heated one, today large segments of the scientific establishment are examining the hard proba- bilities that the universe is populated and that our galaxy is teeming with life. The problem-should say challenge - is more "how" than "if."
J.B.S HALDANE 1939 "The truth about human races, when we know it, will no doubt be complicated. But one simple theory which is certainly nearer the truth than Hitler's was stated by old Andrew Marvell 270 years ago: The good, the bad, and these mixed everywhere."
Vera Stanley Alder 1938 13 THE 'THIRD EYE' Page127 "IN THE preceding chapters a bird's-eye view has been taken of the conditions surrounding developing humanity. The possible fruits of a deeper understanding of various aspects of life have been considered, such aspects, for instance, as the planetary influences by whose aid we develop, and which we can study through astrology and numbers, and by their manifesta- tions through Colour, Sound and Form. A little research has brought to light the possibility that the discoveries of men of science today may coincide with the knowledge of the mystics of. all times, with a difference only of presentation and nomen- clature, and the fact that the Mystics always postulated an ulti- mate Cause and Law behind all phenomena, while present-day scientists seem afraid to link up with such big issues. Finally we have considered the perfecting of our physical life through more intelligent control of diet, exercise and the human relationships. Let us now draw away the Veil still further and take a peep at what may be the future awaiting man when he struggles out of the rut of materialism and finally takes the reins of his life into his own hands. It looks as if the Powers that Be are tantalizing humanity into making this effort, because they are allowing hints and bits of knowledge to filter through in a more general way than ever before."
Quest for a theory of everything Kitty Ferguson 1991 Page 103 "The square root of 9 is three. So we know that the third side." (line ends)
There are 13 words and number 9 in the 33rd line down of page 103
Sir Arthur Eddington 1940 First page (Plate 1 omitted" SPIRAL NEBULAE Messier 101 in Ursa Major. Receding Velocity, 300km. per sec. Estimated distance, 1,300,000 light years."
THE ROOTS OF COINCIDENCE "Euclidian geometries, invented by earlier mathematicians more or less as a game, provided the basis for his relativistic cosmology. 2 Another great physicist whose thoughts moved in a similar direction was Wolfgang Pauli. At the end of the 1932 conference on nuclear physics in Copenhagen the participants, as was their custom on these occasions, performed a skit full of that quantum humour of which we have already had a few samples. In that particular year they produced a parody of Goethe's Faust, in which Wolfgang Pauli was cast in the role of Mephistopheles; his Gretchen was the neutrino, whose existence Pauli had predicted, but which had not yet been discovered. Beware, beware, of Reason and of Science Man's highest powers, unholy in alliance. You'll let yourself, through dazzling witchcraft yield To weird temptations of the quantum field. Enter Gretchen; she sings to Faust. Melody: "Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel" by Schubert. GRETCHEN: My rest-mass is zero My charge is the same You are my hero Neutrino's my name.
ARTHUR KOESTLER EXHIBITION LONDON Organised by the Home Office October 1977 Review of the work of David Denison Prison Officer. "Given his technical skill, the images pack a disturbing punch that reveal the inner world of the Freudian unconscious"
SUNDAY TIMES LIFESPAN ARTS IMAGE OF THE WEEK SURREALIST Image omitted Review by Lawrence Gowing 24th July 1977 Pages 16 and 17 "Where are the good painters of the 1970s1 In quite surprising places, very likely. One of them is in a West Yorkshire school for prison officers (of whom he is one) giving classes in first-aid. David Denison, who has a current exhibition at Ilkley Manor House, Yorkshire, is almost entirely self-taught. As a result he has learned an astonishing skill of a highly personal kind. He is a natural surrealist - a breed tha' is commoner In England than in more rational countries, but is very rare even here. . . " Review Alan Brien "...It turns out to be a donkey, a fearsome sight to a visitor from a planet without animals. Perhaps ESP has been at work, for almost the same incident occurs in Arthur Clarke's Imperial Earth (Pan 75p) where Duncan, another moon- man, this time from Saturn's satellite Titan, visits the home- land of Terra, from which his ancestors had emigrated to con- quer new frontiers. He too has never seen an animal before, here a giant Percheron cart-horse. A mild, gentle eye, which from this distance seemed about as large as a fist, looked straight at Duncan, who started to laugh a little hysterically as the ap-parition withdrew. . . .. Look at it from my point of view. I've just met my first Monster from Outer Space. Thank God, it was friendly." The usual SF situations s continue to be reversed with neat, mild wit as when Duncan cowers inwardly.at the thought that he might even be obliged to eat meat and is kept awake by the un- Titanly noises and, worse, smells of this weird place, at once primeval and decadent. Clarke is by no means a political innocent. As ever, he logically thinks out all the implications of his speculative fictions but his ' attitude remains Olympian. Rather frustratingly, he avoids showing us most of them i in action. And it is only too typical of him that he deprives us of the vicarious excitement. of Free Fall Sex - the orgiastic' highpoint of every Saturn-Earth cruise - by making his priggish hero choose that moment to sneak off and investigate the asymptotic space-ship drive...."
The Fountains of Paradise 1979 to the still unfading memory of LESLIE EKANAYAKE (13 July 1947 - 4 July 1977) only perfect friend of a lifetime, in whom were uniquely combined Loyalty, Intelligence and Compassion. When your radiant and loving spirit vanished from this world, the light went out of many lives. NIRVANA PRAPTO BHUYAT
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page 68 "Pickett's fingers danced over the beads, sliding them up and down the wires with lightning speed. There were twelve wires in all, so that the abacus could handle numbers up to 999,999,999,999 - or could be divided into separate sections where several independent calculations could be carried out simultaneously."
MORE THAN A CARPENTER Josh Mc Dowell Page 58 (number omitted) 9 Will the Real Messiah Please Stand up
ROYGBIV - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ROYGBIV Why are the colors of the rainbow always in the same order? The colours of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The colours you see when a rainbow appears are the result of light being split into its various individual wavelengths.
This gives us a spectrum of colours that range from the shorter blue and violet wavelengths through to the longer red wavelengths. This sequence of colours gives us the characteristic pattern we're all familiar with, and that we learn from childhood through the use of mnemonic phrases. The colours of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Who discovered the rainbow? The Greek philosopher Aristotle first started musing about rainbows and their colours back in 350 BC. His ideas were picked up and elaborated upon by the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger in his Book 1 of Naturales Quaestiones around 65 AD. Senaca was surprisingly ahead of his time in his reasoning, even predicting the discovery of the prism effect by Newton centuries later. Throughout the ages, thinkers, philosophers and naturalists examined the phenomenon of the rainbow effect, noting its appearance not just in the sky but in other circumstances too. But in every case, two elements were essential for that characteristic burst of colour, water vapour or droplets and sunlight. Finally, Isaac Newton proved that white light is made up of a spectrum of colours by splitting light with a prism. His discovery, together with the work of others before him, finally explained how rainbows form. He also noted that the sequence of the colours of a rainbow never changed, always running in the same order. He coined the idea that there are seven colours in a spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV). The colours of a rainbow The idea that there are seven colours in the rainbow still lasts to this day. At a glance, you might think this to be true, but closer inspection of a rainbow shows that there are far more than just seven individual hues. A rainbow is not a pure spectrum. It is actually made up of a myriad of individual spectral colours that have overlapped and mixed. The basic sequence for primary rainbows is always the same running from; Red (the longest wavelength at around 780 nm) through to Violet (the shortest wavelength in the sequence at 380 nm). The seven colour idea is still a popular one and it helps remember the order of the most recognisable colours in a rainbow. However, remember that there is also a whole range of colours, so many that we cannot distinguish them all with the naked eye. How to remember the colours of the rainbow From a very early age, we're taught how to remember the colours of the rainbow using what is known as a mnemonic. This is a phrase that takes the first letter of each colour and makes up a new word which, in turn, creates a phrase that's easy to remember. One of the traditional mnemonics is Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain, but it's easy to make up one that's relevant to you.
SUN = 54 = SUN SUN = 18 = SUN SUN = 9 = SUN
KEEPER OF GENESIS A QUEST FOR THE HIDDEN LEGACY OF MANKIND Robert Bauval Graham Hancock 1996 Page 282 Map What can it be that was put in Rostau? What hidden thing with fire about it? And where in darkness does it lie?
Did Spaceman Colonise the Earth ? Robin Collyns 1924 Page 85 The following exerpts are from the Book of the Dead; all these papyrus sheets are kept in the British Museum. The Papyrus of Nebseni, No 9900, sheet 6, states: 'The white (or shining eye of Horus cometh. The brilliant eye of Horus cometh. It cometh in peace. . .'
THE RISE AND FALL OF ANCIENT EGYPT The History of a Civilisation from 3000 BC to Cleopatra Toby Wilkinson 2010 Page 30 DIVINE RIGHT (5000-2175 BC In total, Atum and his immediate descendants numbered nine deities, three times three expressing the the ancient Egyptian concept of completeness.
THE MASK OF TIME THE MYSTERY FACTOR IN TIME SLIPS, PRECOGNITION AND HINDSIGHT Joan Forman 1978 Page 44 "The dream-time is a mythic state - not a heaven or paradise in the sense in which Christians conceive of it but a recollection of a heroic time long past but still intensely "remembered" - in the sense that beauty is "remembered", not with the mind but with the awakened imagination." "The usual idea of time is irrevelant to this concept, for the Aborigine believes that spirits of his clan pre - exist in definite sites in the country and wait for incarnation. After death they will return to these spiritual homes, possibly to be re- / Page 45 / incarnated at some future time. So for the aboriginal's spirit - whatever he means by that term - there is no time past, present, future, only a continuous process of movement and rest, like that of a tide on an empty shore. Page 45 continues "The living Aboriginal believes he has access to the dream-time through certain sacred objects or totems, and through his private dreams which can reveal to him what has happened, is happening and will happen. The dream-time therefore, is an area of time (chronological time)-suspension where the three common divisions of it are co-existent. Personal dreams in sleep bear out this view, since here clock-time refuses to operate, and the dreamer may find himself in the past, present and future all at once." "The dream-time of the Aborigine is truly a sacred life of the spirit, sustaining and enlightening physical life, much as prayer once did in the Western world. It is not suprising that the First Australian is a contemplative, a man whose belief is in "being", and whose need to replenish his depleted spirit leads him back to an ideal which he believes not to be remote, like the Western idea of Paradise ,but ever present restorative. To him to 'turn but a stoneand start a wing means precisely that. Natural objects partake of the dream-time as much as he does himself. His spiritual life is all around him and he is fortunate enough never to have been divorced from it by time and space." We "civilised" people have long since lost the ability to find our ancient innocence so easily. The natural man in us is obliged to survive in what little space is left after the industrial, the social, the political and the commercial man have taken their share. He is forced to live almost without sustenance - an arid, choked existence with little to satisfy the inner need which is as old as his unconscious and a great deal older than his aquired civilisation. It's small wonder that the dreamer, the idealist, the worshipper in mankind are dying. Starvation kills. The intuitive qualities in human nature have been despised for so long that they are well on the way to atrophy. Human consciousness as exemplified by the logical and intellectual qualities, on the other hand, has / Page 46 / been handsomely encouraged - but developed out of balance with the older deeper - hidden layers of being, so that now to be rational is regarded as to be whole, and somehow elevated, superior. It is not seen for the lopsided curiosity it is. The purely rational condition resembles one of the stages of development of a butterfly. In pupa the creature may seem complete in itself; may seem so as long as one is unaware of the final metamorphosis. 'When half - gods go, the gods arrive,' "
Page 42 "THE Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence: at last the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth, and addressed her in a languid, sleepy voice.
REINCARNATION THE SECOND CHANCE 1974 Page 151 Once Chuang Tzu dreamed that he was a butterfly. He did not know that he had ever been anything but a butterfly and was content to hover from flower to flower. Suddenly he woke and found to his astonishment that he was Chuang Tzu. But it was hard to be sure whether he was really Chou and had only dreamt that he was a butterfly, or he was really a butterfly and was only dreaming that he was Chou.
IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS Fragments of an Unknown Teaching P. D. Oupensky 1878 - 1947 Page 217 'A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must first awake.' Gurdjieff
FROM CATERPILLAR INTO BUTTERFLY THE WORLD OF NATURE J. P. Vanden Eeckhoudt 1960 Page 90 THE "butterflies and moths whose life history we have studied are an insignificantly small sample of the hundred thousand or so species known throughout the world. They range in infinite variety from the great GEOMETER of Brazil, with its wing span of nearly thirteen inches, to tiny, clothes moths with a span of only about a tenth of an inch. We find the simplest shapes and patterns and the most fantastic; a riot of gaudy colours and the dowdiest of greys and browns. Fascinating as they are, the perfect insects are often equalled or even outdone in beauty and strangeness by the caterpillars, and sometimes by the chrysalises." Page 43 "Great numbers of butterflies appear when the weather is good; they flutter everywhere, plundering the flowers, sunning themselves on bushes, on tree-trunks, on the ground. But no Small Tortoise-shells are to be seen. Those that were out in the spring are dead, and the larvae from their eggs have not yet completed their transformation; they are still in the chrysalis state. Beneath their hardened skin a complete remodelling of their organs is in progress, and two weeks at least are necessary for its completion. Then one last moult will release the perfect insect. Page 22 "The growth of caterpillars is not a continuous process. Their skin does not stretch much, and rapidly becomes too tight for them as they grow. So the caterpillars periodically leave their skin, as people give up clothes which no longer fit them, and emerge in a new skin, which has all this time been forming underneath the old one, and which allows them scope for further growth. When this in turn becomes too tight, it is cast aside in favour of a third, and so on." MOULT 81 81 MOULT MOULT 18 18 MOULT
DAILY MAIL Thursday, October 17. 2013 Jaya Narain Page 29 "Sue Lightup said her progress was like 'a butterfly coming out of a chrysalis.'..."
TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT January 17, 2008 Chrysalis Muriel Spark: introduced by Mick Imlah. Muriel Spark (1918–2004) was one of the most admired and successful novelists in English in the second half of the twentieth century, author of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961), based on her own experience of school in Edinburgh, The Girls of Slender Means (1963) and others. But it was in poetry that she first made her name. From 1947–49 she was editor of the journal Poetry Review and her collection The Fanfarlo (1952) preceded her first published fiction. One of the poems in that book, "Chrysalis" was published in the TLS in June 1951
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